bo Embarrassment To The Society | Pieces Of My Mind
Wednesday 15 April 2009

Embarrassment To The Society

I accidentally stumbled onto an advertisement which brings me to this site:

Racist Assault? at the Ministry of Sound Nightclub? Sunway Lagoon Hotel? Oh My God, how could the patrons (bouncers) from Euphoria do this to their guests, especially foreigners - an Aussie. And now the victim is advertising over the internet to gather witnesses so that he could take his revenge by filing a suit on that incident. Great...

For those who might not know, the Aussies, Americans & the Europeans are very, I mean extremely particular about their rights. They will do what ever it takes to protect their rights. Which includes taking actions that might jeopardise their life or their financial status, as long as they get their rights back. Unlike us, everything can be settled by paying cash or treating a meal. Seriously no bullshitting here, I myself had encountered some sort of consumer rights issue in Oz so I know, though it was just a tiny winnie matter. Maybe you should try it, I'm sure you'll be amazed.

What's even great is, after a brief check on the site, I found out that the main page is a NATIONWIDE business directory used by Aussie businessmen. Wow...

Probably the victim wanted to invest or start a business here, after this ordeal, I'm very sure that he has lost his confidence when working with Malaysians, or worst, staying in Malaysia. This might create a wave effect which will lead to the defamation our country among the victim's family, friends, community and even his country.

We are lucky because the victim chose to respect the country by not stating it in his advertisement. But why are we treating them the opposite way?

How many times did our government, teachers & parents told us to behave ourselves & not make a fool of ourselves & our country?

Where is the Malaysian hospitality? Treat your guests just like your pets and Barbie dolls, not aliens, monsters or intruders.

Local racism is already enough, please do not ever extend the behavior to foreigners unless you choose to be kind & don't want them to miss out the "fun". Then I suppose this would be your interpretation of the Malaysia Boleh spirit... I have nothing much to say.

Like what Mr. Linggam always said: This is an embarrassment to the society-Lah!


Jim said...

"We are lucky because the victim chose to respect the country by not stating it in his advertisement. "

Most interesting sentence in this post. I didn't notice it until u state it out. Good one.